
Serving Reports fairness opinion

Fairness opinion is a statement given by the Valuer Business to state that a transaction is fair or not fair, after-depth analysis of. The value of the item that was transaction; financial impact of an action plan of the corporation against the interests of shareholders and the use of business considerations that adequate by the management company in the action plan for the corporate interests of the shareholders. Fairness opinion must be on the transaction as a whole and not on one element of the transaction. Provide fairness in the Family, the procedure must be done under the covers: analysis of the transaction; qualitative and quantitative analysis related to the planned transaction, the analysis on the equity value of the transaction; and analysis on other factors that are relevant. 

Analysis of the transaction must include matters less as the following: Identify the parties and the relationship between the parties related to the transaction, the Agreement and the terms and conditions agreed upon in the transaction, and Rating on the risks and benefits may arise from the implementation of the transactions and condition - related terms. 

Referred to the qualitative analysis must include the business aspects associated with the transaction less the following: company history (the history and nature of business activities); analysis of industry and the environment; Analysis company operations and prospects; reason for the transaction; and Profit and loss from the transaction qualitative. 

Quantitative analysis as referred to mandatory assessments against most things less as follows: Rating on the potential income, assets, liabilities and financial condition, including: historical performance Rating; Rating above projections, ratio analysis and financial analysis before the transaction and after the Performa transactions.

Valuation above value of the transaction, among others, by doing incremental analysis

Analysis on the equity value of the transaction referred to must be convinced that the planned price in the transaction is in a range of market value or the value of the benefit for minority shareholders. 

In the case used the results Property valuer or other expert he should first ascertain the following: competency, skills and qualifications Property valuer or other experts in accordance with industry and related transactions; the limitation responsibility for the work of Valuer or Property other experts with the Society that fairness is given the responsibility of Business Valuer do transactions on fairness and responsibility can not be transferred to other parties, and has obtained approval from the taskmaster on the use of assessment results Property Valuer or have been obtain approval from the taskmaster on the use of the work of other experts. 

Business Valuer can provide reasonable opinion of a plan transaction when the transaction will increase the shareholders interest or the interests of shareholders (the public) that is reviewed from the aspects of finance, based on the analysis results and the evidence is relevant. 

Reports Books fairness required information at least as follows: Number and Date of report; Objectives The Society fairness; Activity transaction including a description of the transaction conflict of interest declared by the management; Description of the assignment; Statement of the independence of the valuer Business; explanation of the data and information is used, the factors considered and the procedures used in the Business marker assessment tasks; explanation of the scope, assumptions, limitations and assessment tasks, and the results of the analysis include: Description of Transaction Plan; description of the parties and the relationship between the parties related to the transactions, agreements and requirements associated with the transaction; and possible risks and opportunities. 

Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Analysis; 

Qualitative Analysis: Historical company (history and nature of business activities); Industry Analysis and the environment; Analysis Operations Prospect and the company; reason for the transaction; and benefits and losses from transactions that are qualitative. Quantitative analysis; Rating on potential income, assets, liabilities and financial condition of entities, including: historical performance Rating; Rating above projections, ratio analysis and financial analysis before the transaction and Performa after the transaction. Rating on the added value of the transaction, among others, by doing the analysis incremental (incremental analysis). When the analysis above is not the whole, Business Valuer must disclose the reasons. Transaction Cost Analysis fairness; conclusion or statement About equity transactions; Conditions Restrict the Use of Food fairness; Signature Business Valuer , and Appendix.